More importantly, from the chart below we can gauge overall inter-market correlation which provides an objective overlay to your position as all markets are driven by capital concentrations and flows around the world, impacting different markets and products. So, I want to keep a close eye on developments from a market generated, trend-based perspective as an insight into my positioning in the Nasdaq100 (Us Equity space).
In addition to time frame trend status, there are important reversal levels that I have not reported, which I intend to include in future posts; these price levels imply areas where trends can expect to be supported/resisted and price change beyond these levels, would imply overall change in bias/direction which will impact overall positioning.
To provide a working example of how I may use this template to trade out a certain market, with my systematic trend-indicator for entry/exit, let's look at the Bonds (ZB #F) in the top panel of the chart below. We can see that the Bonds are Weekly Bearish=3, Monthly Bearish=1 and Quarterly Bullish=2. This is valuable structural information because we now know that despite the pull back in the bonds, we have a Bullish (Macro) long term backdrop as per the Bullish Quarterly Trend status. The intermediate trends Weekly/Monthly are in Bearish mode. What we can also derive is that Weekly Bearish=3, implying that the weekly trend has been moving sideways for the past 3 weeks and the Bearish Monthly=1, implies the last month has been sideways as well. So the overall characterization is Bullish long term, and Bearish intermediate term with reluctance to move lower and/or slowing bearish momentum bias. In terms of trading the bonds I'm still bullish and would be looking for a momentum long signal in conjunction with the weekly trend to turn bullish. Though we have the 'Long' signal generated Feb 25/13', the weekly time frame is down. I would want to see the equities also struggling at Quarterly, Monthly, Weekly highs, or starting to move sideways in the weekly time frame, to imply a topping development, in conjunction with other objective measures such as extent /duration of weekly swing i.e, current Nasdaq100 weekly Bullish trend duration = 75 days and Intermediate High - High (Last Intermediate Top Sept 21) = 115 days -- which classifies the current weekly duration of Nasdaq 100 in an exhaustive phase, though it may continue unabated as capital pours into the US (Dow at new highs) as a flight to safety out of Europe. I'm also watching my March 27/13' Natural 4-month Cycle inflection point for Stocks as a potential turning point for stocks, and using my (abnormal market since 2008) seasonal bond-cycle buy point of late March-Early April inline with a Long momentum signal to get back in the bonds. This would be an objective Top-Down way to approach the Long Bond trade.